The VIVA EMERGING Pro category is open to artists 18 years and older. Artists under age 18 may submit an act video for consideration. The overall winner of VIVA Pro will be invited to the following year's WCAC competition. Artists may be currently working, have had paid gigs, or are actively seeking professional work. Most artists in this division have several years of experience in circus training/performing. ONLY 1 SOLO ACT PER PERFORMER WILL BE ALLOWED IN THIS COMPETITIVE DIVISION. If you participate in a group act at this level, you may also register for that performance. Additional solo acts are encouraged to register in the Emerging Pro division.
Paid registrations received before October 31, 2024 will receive 1 discounted ticket to the World Circus Arts Championships.
All Competitors receive:
VIVA Fest T-shirt
Personalized feedback from 3 judges
-Solo, Duo, Trio of VIVA Pro competitors are allowed a maximum time of 4 minutes
-Groups of 4 or more are allowed a maximum performance time of 5 minutes
-Participants will not be penalized if they do not use their full allotted performance slots
-VIVA Pro division will receive rehearsal time of 3.5 minutes
-All members of a duo, trio or group act must register and pay individually to compete
SOLO - $270
DUOS - $205 each performer
TRIOS -$160 each performer
GROUP 4+ $125 each performer (5 min act time allowed)
(2 acts receive 10% off both acts price, 3 acts receive 15% off all 3 acts)
Groups with over 6 people contact us for registration outside of the system.
Click here to register as a performer. (if you have filled out a registration form, click here for the cart to pay for your acts)
Please double check: only 1 performer's payment per cart is allowed and registration MUST accompany payment to be valid.
Spreadsheet of division information
Coaches must pre-register by Feb. 22nd
Refunds allowed through Dec. 31, 2024 (minus paypal fees)